Buffalo Emergency Dentist – 24 Hour Dental Services

Buffalo Emergency Dentist - 24 Hour Dental Services

Dr. Balderman loves bringing modern dentistry to Buffalo residents and believes that personalization and choice are key components of great dental care. She is known for providing less invasive and more cost-effective treatment options.

This popular dentist office on 24 Hour Dentist of Buffalo NY is located less than five minutes from Delaware Park Apartments and Main Jewett Apartments. It has a cozy historic home feel and many amenities to help put patients at ease.

24 Hour Emergency Dental Care

In addition to treating dental emergencies, the team also provides preventive services like teeth whitening and veneers. These treatments can help prevent cavities, strengthen weak or worn teeth and improve your overall oral health.

They are known for providing less invasive and less expensive treatment plans than other dental practices. They encourage patients to visit their 24 Hour Dentist of Buffalo NY regularly, which helps catch problems early and allows them to be fixed more easily and inexpensively.

The team also treats a number of dental emergencies through their S-Miles To Go dental van, which is a 42-foot long mobile dental clinic equipped with digital X-ray equipment and sterilization center that travels throughout Western New York. This is in addition to the team’s dental clinic on UB’s South Campus in Squire Hall.

Dental Implants

Dental implants mimic the function of tooth roots, providing a permanent and stable solution for missing teeth. With proper care, they can last a lifetime. They are comfortable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. Implants also stimulate bone growth, preventing further tooth loss.

Our dentist in Buffalo, NY offers traditional dental implants that are placed into and fused with the jawbone to replace a single missing tooth. A crown is then attached to the implant, resulting in a beautiful and natural-looking smile.

Mini dental implants are smaller in diameter than traditional implants, allowing them to be used to hold full upper and lower dentures. They are also often used to replace a single missing tooth, as they can be installed without having to file down healthy neighboring teeth.

Teeth Whitening

Brighter teeth create a more youthful appearance, boosting self-esteem and increasing the confidence in your smile. Teeth whitening is an affordable cosmetic dental procedure that can be done at our office or at home, achieving dramatic results in less than two weeks.

Using powerful bleaching gel and a low-UV light, we are able to remove surface-level discoloration with ease, transforming your smile to look several shades whiter. The whitening process is safe for most patients and can be repeated frequently as needed to maintain your white, beautiful smile.

We recommend that you refrain from eating or drinking deeply colored foods or beverages immediately after your whitening treatment as this can cause temporary tooth sensitivity. We also offer at-home touch up whitening kits to help you maintain your new, white smile.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a simple cosmetic procedure that allows our dentist to fix cracks, chips, discoloration, and gaps in teeth. It is also a popular treatment to enhance the appearance of your smile. Our dentists use a composite resin that is personalized to emulate multiple shades of natural teeth for a seamless look. It is a painless process and requires little to no anesthesia.

The dentists will apply a mild etching solution to your tooth’s surface, creating small crevices that will allow the durable resin to bond with the tooth’s enamel structure. Then the resin is shaped, hardened and polished to match your other teeth. Dental bonding can last for several years, but is less resistant to staining than veneers. You can prolong the life of your teeth and dental bonding by practicing good oral hygiene.

General Dentistry

Maintaining good oral health has a direct impact on your overall health and well-being. Studies show that 90% of systemic diseases have their roots in poor oral conditions. A general dentist (also known as a primary dentist, family dentist or tooth doctor) is trained to identify and treat these problems.

Tooth extractions are sometimes necessary for a variety of reasons. A cavity is too large to repair, physical trauma has damaged the tooth beyond repair, or advanced gum disease has weakened the root of the tooth.

Dr. Balderman is a Buffalo native and feels privileged to bring modern dentistry to her hometown. She believes that dental care is all about personalization and choice and she and her team are dedicated to delivering less invasive, more cost effective treatment plans.

Justin Davis

Justin Davis